In 1922, when Frank Lloyd Wright returned permanently to the United States, he chose not to refine and simplify the course and cause of his earlier work, but rather to reinvent himself—in new territory, for new clients, in projects of greater scale, and with a new agenda dictated by a newly mobile America. Frank Lloyd Wright: Designs for an American Landscape, 1922–1932 presents five revolutionary unbuilt projects by Frank Lloyd Wright: the Doheny Ranch development, the Lake Tahoe summer colony, the A. M. Johnson desert compound, the Gordon Strong Automobile Objective and the hotel, and houses for San Marcos in the Desert.
Edited by David G. De Long
Essays by David G. De Long, C. Ford Peatross, Anne Whiston Spirn, and Robert L. Sweeney
Graphic design by Judith Hudson
Co-published with Harry N. Abrams, the Library of Congress, and the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation
Hardcover or softcover, 207 pages
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