Armed only with snow shovels, a group of college students took advantage of the opportunity present in the snowed-over section of the central library’s staircase; converting the impassable steps in
UN-USEFUL exercises require to transform a real existent building, site, space, etc. into something astonishing, with lightness and poetry, in order to make people full of wonder [wonder-full].
A research project into the practice of street football in Barcelona, culminating in the takeover of an empty building plot to make way for a football pitch.
Laboratório artístico contemporâneo que aspira atividades diversas e inovadoras para o público, um espaço catalisador de novas ideias e discursos e tendência
UN-USEFUL exercises require to transform a real existent building, site, space, etc. into something astonishing, with lightness and poetry, in order to make people full of wonder [wonder-full].