Wheels Give Super Powers

#40. Wheels Give Super Powers


A composite plastic-and-steel suit covered with free-spinning roller-skating wheels, the Roller Suit has six components: two arms, two legs, front, back, as well as additional protection for the shoulders and hips. The wearer can glide in any position at up to 100 km an hour while weaving between the sidewalk and street – a transport neither fully pedestrian nor mechanized.
The Roller Suit was French designer Jean-Yves Blondeau’s 1995 thesis project at École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et des Métiers d’Arts Olivier de Serres, in Paris.

Acteurs :

Rollerman (Jean-Yves Blondeau)

Lieu : Paris, France; internationally; since 1995

Outils : Composite plastic suit in six sections, thirty-one roller-skating wheels

