Parking Lot Grows Basketball Hoop

#35. Parking Lot Grows Basketball Hoop

© Harmen de Hoop


Part of a basketball court drawn on the pavement of a new public housing complex in Amsterdam. The court ends abruptly with a footpath, where a basket was installed by the city shortly after the court markings were painted. The markings were removed once they were identified as unplanned, but the basket remained. An artist working in the medium of illegal “spatial adjuncts,” Harmen de Hoop considers his projects successful if they merge with their environment. He has installed public furniture, including a communal gardening-supply stand, as “suggestions” for urban improvement. His work increasingly involves activities with other people, which he calls “permanent outdoor sculpture.”

Atores :

Harmen de Hoop

Local : Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the Netherlands, since 1996

Ferramentas : Can of paint, camera

