The ABCs of Architecture
The ABCs of Architecture workshop is intended for groups of children ages 6 to 8 (at least 6 and up to 30) Please contact for information or to schedule this workshop.
A workshop for children ages 6 to 8
The ABCs of Architecture introduces children to basic architectural concepts of shape, volume, material, space, and occupation. The program stimulates analytical skills, storytelling, collaborative work, and gives children tools to explore fundamental concepts of geometry. Children experiment with three-dimensional construction and participate in a series of challenges and activities that develop greater awareness of the built environment.
The workshop takes place in three parts:
• A presentation illustrating the possibilities of architecture and visit of the CCA during which children are asked to identify geometric shapes and volumes.
• A workshop in which children individually explore volumes and composition using custom kits that include worksheets and wooden blocks. The activity culminates with the construction of models of new imagined buildings, produced in small groups.
• A series of short presentations where each group presents their building and their ideas through a story, addressing what happens in each part of the building and how each of its parts relate.
The ABCs of Architecture is a 90 minute long program and is offered year-round in either French or English. We can accommodate up to 30 children per visit. To make a reservation or for more information, please contact us at or call +1 514 939 7002.
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