Acquistion policy
The CCA Collection is conceived as a repository of ideas, provocations, inspirations, and trials and errors. Made up of archival holdings, prints and drawings, photography, library holdings, and the output of our activities, our Collection is both a base of materials for research and a body against which new readings and contexts are tested. Current and future development of the Collection is based on the culture and production of architecture worldwide and the value for research. For a more detailed description of the Collection, please see our Collection page.
The CCA’s acquisition strategy acts to support the development of the Collection. It is also influenced by, and at the same time, informs the institution’s curatorial and research projects. It is intentionally layered and flexible, while leaving room for change and unexpected directions. In general, material acquired by the CCA is subject to the following criteria:
– Reflects a contemporary architectural discourse
– Has international relevance
– Relates to the current Collection while opening new areas for investigation
– Current areas of interest are ecological concerns, underrepresented perspectives, and early computational designs and/or the emergence of digital tools and technology within the field of architecture
The CCA is interested in collaborative models for our Collection, and in particular when this involves large archives. We can also advise on other potential places for material.
The CCA will not accept donations that cannot be made accessible for research and/or contain undue restrictions. We will also not accept material that requires intensive conservation efforts.
Prior to the mutual agreement, CCA staff reserves the right to investigate/inquire about material that documents, reflects, and/or is related to harmful content or behaviour in any way. Cooperation and further information from the donor(s) may be requested by CCA staff. Please note that acquisitions for the prints and drawings collection are currently on hold until further notice.
For the CCA’s donation procedure, please visit our donation page.
You can search for everything here—our exhibitions, events, collection, articles, and bookstore. If you have any questions, please email us at
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