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1925-2008, predominant 1960-2007
Series 4
Series documents competition entries and projects by Peter Eisenman, and by the successive firms of Peter D. Eisenman, Architect; Eisenman/Robertson Architects; Design Development Resources, Limited Partnership; Esienman/Trott Architects; and Eisenman Architects. Several projects were carried out in association with other architects, institutions, and firms, including Michael Graves, the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (IAUS), Hanna/Olin Ltd., Steven Holl Architects, and Robert A.M. Stern Architects.
A majority of projects were designed for the United States, Germany, and Japan. Other project locations include Spain, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Canada, Switzerland, Kuwait, Belgium, South Korea, Australia, and China. Material in this series was produced between 1925 and 2007.
Series contains competition drawings, conceptual and design development drawings, publication and presentation drawings and panels, reference drawings, and working drawings. It also contains photographic materials, textual records, models and artefacts. Series is roughly arranged chronologically by project date.
Beginning sometime in the 1980s, project documents were sometimes identified by the office using the following numbering system: x-yy-zz AAA
x = administrative category
1 - Administrative and General Indirect
2- General Promotion
3- Business Development
4- Publication and Promotion
5- Direct Fee (billable)
6- Products and other Design (non-billable)
yy = year
zz = Project # (assigned sequentially each year starting with 01)
AAA= abbreviated name of project, e.g. PAS for Perth Amboy High School (used intermittently)
Material in this series was arranged by project.
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