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Max Reinhardt Haus
File 96
File documents the unexecuted project for The Max Reinhardt Haus, Berlin, Germany. Material in this file was produced in 1992.
File contains conceptual drawings, design development drawings, photographic materials, presentation drawings, publication drawings, reference drawings, textual records, and study models. Textual records include proposal, agreement, site, project information, consultants, specifications, drawings, blueprints, computer drawings, Essay, transcriptions (P.E. & Heimrod), phone records, transmittals, letters, clippings, "Electronic Zoo" information, publications, drawings, site plan, brief, executive summary, Budget, consultants, correspondence, fees, preliminary system description, computer drawings, supplies list, proposal, schedule, project directory, 20 photographs, 12 transparencies, 2 slides, 3 computer disks, and 1 audio cassette.
Berlin Germany
Documents are in English and German.
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1 study model(s)
Cardboard with traces of graphite
model: 26,2 x 15,3 x 10 cm
Peter Eisenman fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Objects that have been catalogued:
documents include 6 plexiglass samples, filing index, directory, project information, site, consultants, zoning, maps, program, sprinklers, budget, consultants: architectural, technical, cost, public relations, schedule, transcriptions, transmittals, specifications, photograph, publications/articles, colour, samples, drawings, blueprints, CAD
1 textual record(s)
Peter Eisenman fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
documents include 19 photographs, 2 slides, 12 transparencies, book, audio cassette, transcription, masterplan, zoning, accounting documents, agreement, proposal, schedule, site maps, transcriptions, diagrams, computer studies/perspectives, photographic reproductions
1 textual record(s)
Peter Eisenman fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
documents include essay, transcriptions (P.E. & Heimrod), phone records, transmittals, letters, clippings, "Electronic Zoo" information, publications, drawings, site plan, brief, executive summary, Budget, consultants, correspondence, fees, structural: preliminary system description, computer drawings, supplies list, proposal, schedule and project directory.
1 textual record(s)
Peter Eisenman fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
46 drawing(s)
sheet (smallest): 21,6 x 27,8 cm sheet (largest): 57 x 21,5 cm
reprographic copies and translucent paper, some with ink, graphite and transfer type; collage
Peter Eisenman fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
No label or annotation. File format: WordPerfect for MS-DOS.
1 5.25" floppy disk
This digital material was originally housed with the textual materials found in DR1999:0501
Peter Eisenman fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Labelled: "Berlin". File format: WordPerfect for MS-DOS Document.
1 5.25" floppy disk
This digital material was originally housed with the textual materials found in DR1999:0501
Peter Eisenman fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Labelled: "K. Forster". File formats: WordPerfect for MS-DOS Document, Plain Text File.
1 5.25" floppy disk
This digital material was originally housed with the textual materials found in DR1999:0502
Peter Eisenman fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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