Günter Günschel fonds

Günter Günschel fonds

Part of


  • Günter Günschel (archive creator)
  • Günter Günschel (architect)


Günter Günschel fonds

Dates of creation



  • archives

Level of archival description


Extent and Medium

  • 192 drawings
  • 149 reprographic copies
  • 101 photographic materials (including 14 reprographic copies)
  • 37 stats
  • 5 printouts
  • 0.12 l.m. of textual materials

Scope and Content

The Günter Günschel fonds documents the architectural work of Günter Günschel. The fonds consists of materials from 1943 to 2006 and includes sketches, drawings, photomontages, photographs, plotter sketches and drawings, catalogues, panels, collages, publications, and a poster. Also included are materials that were featured in Günschel’s exhibitions.

The archive comprises over 50 projects, dating from 1943 to 2004. A large majority of Günschel's projects are represented in the fonds, such as Kristallwucherungen (1953-1988), Geodätische Hallen (1955-1978), Wohnheim in Raumzellenbauweise für das Studentenwerk Göttingen (1969), Stadtquartiere (1977-1988), Entwurf zur Bebauung der Weserinsel Teerhof in Bremen (1977-1978), Stühle, Computergrafiken (1998), and Architekturphantasien (2003).

Series AP187.S1 documents the architectural projects from 1943 to 2004. Records related to Günter Günschel’s exhibitions are arranged in series AP187.S2, from 1966 to 2003. The third series AP187.S3 includes publications and unpublished catalogues and portfolios, produced between 1964 and 2006.

Reference Number



Prior to the fonds’ arrival at CCA, the materials were mostly organized by project, format, and medium. This order was respected. At times material was rearranged to compile isolated documents of the same project. In most cases, each project has been identified. However, some material remains unidentified. For example, unidentified sketches were arranged under “Unidentified sketches, 2000-2006”.

This fonds is arranged in three series:

AP187.S1: Architectural projects (1943-2006)

AP187.S2: Exhibitions (1966-2003)

AP187.S3: Publications, catalogues, and clippings (1964-2006)

Biographical notes

Günter Günschel (1928-2008), born in Merseburg, Germany, was a German architect and artist who emerged in the 1950s with his innovative architectural shapes. He developed several organic architecture concepts where structures and buildings are integrated within the natural environment. Günschel also inscribed himself in the tradition of the architect-engineer with his dome projects. The architect also often included human figures and body parts in several of his designs.

Günschel studied at the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle from 1947 to 1949, and then at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Berlin between 1949 and 1954. In 1954, he received a scholarship from the Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Industrie. From 1955 to 1958, Günschel worked for the Internationalen Bauausstellung Berlin, during which time he collaborated with Frei Otto on the Interbau project in Berlin. In 1958, he became a member of the Groupe d'Étude d'Architecture mobile (GEAM) and of the Deutschen Werkbundes. He did some freelance work and partnership-oriented activities with Walter Kuhn for German industrial companies from 1959 to 1961. Günschel also taught at both the Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm in 1961 and the Technische Hochschule Hannover in 1968.

In 1968, Günschel was appointed to the chair of architecture of Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, where he taught until 1993. During the same period, Günschel worked as a freelance architect.

Until his death in 2008, Günschel sketched and drew geodetic structures. He realized an impressive number of models inspired by his sketches, and, among other activities, built student hostels for the University of Göttingen.

Conditions governing access

  • Open for use by qualified researchers. Access by appointment only.

Conditions governing reproduction

  • For copyright information or permission to reproduce material from the fonds, please contact the CCA (reproductions@cca.qc.ca).

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

  • Gift of the Estate of Günter Günschel on August 31, 2015.

Custodial history

Prior to coming to the CCA, the material was kept at his daughter’s house, Carola Scheil.

Archivist's note

  • The Günter Günschel fonds was processed by Jennifer Préfontaine during May and June, 2017.

Credit line

Pour citer la collection en entier | Use this credit line when citing the entire collection:
Günter Günschel fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Pour citer des objets spécifiques, veuillez vérifier la ligne de crédit de l’objet avec Référence à la collection.
When citing specific collection objects, please verify the object’s credit line with CCA Reference.

Language of material

German, French

Related units of description

  • For related materials outside the CCA, please see the Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain (FRAC) Centre’s holdings of Günter Günschel, which contains materials documenting his architectural projects from 1949 to 1998. Other institutions which hold related materials include: The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; the Museum of Modern Art; and the Victoria and Albert Museum.

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