An Industrial Landscape Observed: The Lachine Canal

Exhibition, Octagonal gallery, 15 July 1992 to 22 November 1992

Photographers Clara Gutsche and David Miller offer their vision of the industrial landscape and architecture surrounding the urban historical site of Lachine Canal in Montréal. The Canal, which is over one hundred years old, suffered a long period of neglect after having played a key role in the development of Canadian industry.

Fifteen years after the waterway closed, the CCA commissioned the documentation of its changing landscape. The area’s industrial buildings and topography, from Montreal’s Old Port to the municipality of Lachine, and its relationship to the city are recorded by the two artists during different seasons of the year. The exhibition creates a kind of temporal overlapping which, by relating the past to the present, aims to stimulate reflection, improve understanding, and instigate more effective interventions in the industrial landscape.

Curated by Louise Désy, CCA, with Jean Bélisle, Concordia University.

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