Created on the occasion of the Mois de la Photo à Montréal 2009, Canadian photographer Robert Burley’s Photographic Proof is a large-scale photographic installation on the north facade of the CCA. The mural reproduces a processed Polaroid photograph, symmetrically juxtaposing the negative and positive versions of the same image, and shows an unidentified crowd observing the demolition by implosion of the Kodak-Pathé plant located at Chalon-sur-Saône in France.
The installation is part of The Disappearance of Darkness, a project in progress in which the artist observes the effects of new technology on the conventional photographic products industry. A selection of works from the series is on view at the CCA.
Curator: Louise Désy, CCA.
Interview with Robert Burley
Robert Burley speaks about Photographic Proof and the installation process.
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