Teens! You are invited to participate in the CCA Day Camp 2011, ±Ville, and explore subtle conflicts that exist throughout Montréal.
Join our guest curators from Supersudaca to investigate and act on the city that surrounds us. Discover how daily life is shaped by conflict and imagine alternative scenarios for collective living.
Day Camp is a five day workshop of research, dialogue, proposals and experimentation that will shape a final project. On the Thursday night the CCA hosts a sleepover/charette for all participants involved in the project.
Free program. Places are limited. For youth ages 14 to 17. To register, email camp@cca.qc.ca or call 514 939 7002. Click here for the Facebook event.
You can search for everything here—our exhibitions, events, collection, articles, and bookstore. If you have any questions, please email us at publications@cca.qc.ca.
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