The collections of the CCA embrace such diverse objects as books, photographs, and engravings; maps and plans; architectural records, drawings, and sketchbooks; manuscripts; commercial product catalogues; personal correspondence, journals, and archives; ephemera; and even toys. En chantier marks a second decade of collecting for the CCA, founded in 1979. This publication looks back at the nature of the collection and examines how different bodies of work were brought together, unlike museum collections or library special collections where items exist in isolation. The text discusses how the collection was framed and developed and what ideas guided its formation, particularly with respect to research.
Texts by Kurt W. Forster, Phyllis Lambert, and Nicholas Olsberg
Graphic design by Bruce Mau Design, with Chris Rowat and Louis-Charles Lasnier
Bilingual English-French edition
Softcover, 107 pages
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