Florian Idenburg and Jing Liu, co-founders of New York-based firm SO – IL, present the Canadian launch of Solid Objectives: Order, Edge, Aura the first book to come out of their practice. Published by Lars Müller, and co-written with Ilias Papageorgiou, Solid Objectives is not a catalogue of works but a manifesto organized around conceptual themes, and it is illustrated by photographer Iwan Baan. In conversation with CCA Chief curator Giovanna Borasi.
Florian Idenburg and Jing Liu founded SO – IL in 2008 and added Ilias Papageorgiou as partner in 2013. Their most recent built project is the Manetti Shrem Museum in Davis, California. Idenburg teaches at Harvard GSD and Liu has been a faculty member at Columbia GSAPP since 2009.
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