Printemps numérique, the Digital Spring, is back at the CCA for #intersections vol. 6: smart and sustainable buildings. The event will explore the digital as a relevant and appropriate response to succeed in the energy transition in the building sector.
With the participation of Alain Boilard (General director - Campus MIL development, at Université de Montréal), Emmanuel Di Giacomo (BIM Ecosystem Development Manager at Autodesk), Alain Sayegh (Director - Integration of new technology at Hydro-Québec), Ahmed Ryad Sbartaï (Expert and BIM solutions leader at Zenit Consultants) and Catherine Mathys (columnist at La sphere, ICI Radio-Canada Premiere) who will moderate the discussion .
The #intersections series combines panel discussions, networking and the presentation of digital projects. To reserve your ticket, please click here.
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