Edward Soja
University of California, Los Angeles, United States
The importance of spatial justice derives from a growing appreciation for the powerful effects arising from the geographies we have created and in which we live. It is closely related to environmental justice in addressing how one’s location can create advantages as well as disadvantages. In recent years, the search for spatial justice has been carried forward by struggles over the right to the city, the right of every urban inhabitant to a fair share of the city’s collective resources, which include decent public transport, good schools, accessible health and medical services, etc. Connections are also being made with the Occupy movement that has spread to nearly a thousand cities around the world, often building on the stimulus of large-scale gatherings in public space.
The CCA Mellon Foundation Senior Fellowship Program was established in 2001 to encourage advanced research in architectural history and thought. With the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the CCA has welcomed distinguished scholars for residencies of one to eight months, culminating in a public lecture.
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