Join us for over ten hours of alternative histories and futures, strange questions, music, and dancing. Our galleries will remain open throughout the evening as we host different events. Everything is admission-free.
Sci-fi Drawing: Walking the Clouds
3pm to 10pm, live storytelling
7pm to 1am, bar service
Drop in and draw with us while invited storytellers read from Grace Dillon’s Walking the Clouds, the first anthology of Indigenous science fiction stories. With the participation of Lindsay Nixon, Grace Dillon, Swaneige Bertrand, Geronimo Inutiq, Sébastien Aubin, Caroline Monnet, and Tara McGowan-Ross, until 9:30pmVR Biidaaban: First Light
9pm to 1am, in the Rotonda
Experience time travel through virtual reality and jump into a highly realistic, post-apocalyptic, and radically hopeful Toronto. By Lisa Jackson, Mathew Borrett, Jam3, and the National Film Board of Canada.Come and Forget
10pm, 11pm, and 12am, in the Shaughnessy House
Six toast to forgetting a person, a place, or an idea that would improve the whole world if it disappeared. How can an act of mass amnesia improve our lives? With the participation of Melissa Mongiat and Mouna Andraos of Daily Tous Les Jours, Eli Kerr, curator and co-founder of VIE D’ANGE Gallery, Peggy Hogan, musician, Gabriella Coleman, professor at McGill University, Caroline Monnet, visual artist, and Robert Everett-Green, writer at the Globe and Mail.Come and Dance: Ambien Baby, Perishing Thirst, and Ouri
10pm, 11pm, and 12am, in the Shaughnessy House
Following each toast, musical performances presented in collaboration with N10.AS radio: Ambien Baby at 10pm, Perishing Thirst at 11pm, and Ouri at 12pm.
Nuit blanche à Montréal is part of MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE, presented by Bell.
You can search for everything here—our exhibitions, events, collection, articles, and bookstore. If you have any questions, please email us at
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