Mardi Vert: Deep-Performance Dwelling with TeamMTL

Event, in French, Paul-Desmarais Theater, 12 March, 12pm

This conference organized by the Ordre des architectes du Québec as part of the Mardis Verts series will focus on TeamMTL’s innovative project. The team, made up of McGill and Concordia University students and sponsored by Hydro-Québec, presented the “Deep-Performance Dwelling” project at Solar Decathlon, an international competition held in China in 2018. Each team had to design and build a net-zero solar home, while aiming for the highest standards of sustainability. TeamMTL’s Deep-Performance Dwelling won top awards in Architecture and Commercial Viability.

With Benjamin Wareing, chief architect for TeamMTL and Alexandre Gareau, eng. jr and project manager for TeamMTL. The conference will be presented by Alain Sayegh, Director - Integration of New Technologies at Hydro-Québec.

Entrance is free. Registration required.

The Mardis Verts conferences showcase a project distinguished by its sustainable development and ecological architecture strategy. Invited as speakers, the designers of the selected project present the characteristics, difficulties, techniques and materials related to the project. The lectures are available online.

Every Mardis Verts conference equals 1.5 hours of continuing education.


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