The book series Viagens | Journeys looks at the travels of architects, scholars, and other researchers from the architectural field. It is published by Circo de Ideias, an architecture publisher, bookshop, and gallery founded in Porto in 2008. The series challenges the typical touristic gaze by using an architectural perspective coupled with the author’s intimate experiences of those spaces to reveal often overlooked narratives and conditions within these contexts. Past editions have included Alexandre Alves Costa and Alvaro Siza in Marrocos (1967), Mirko Zardini in Portugal (2014–2017), and Guilherme Wisnik in Bolivia (2016).
Magda Seifert, founder and director of Circo de Ideias, will be joined in conversation by Mirko Zardini and Albert Ferré to discuss the roles photography does and could play in architecture.
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