3-1-1 and a half: Young Expropriators

Young Public, in English, Online, 23 July 2020, 10am to 12pm

Who gets to decide what is public space? Why do public spaces sometimes feel like private spaces in disguise? How can we justify giving access to some people and not others?

We all need shared spaces outside of our homes for leisure or health, to find community or simply to go on with our lives. With the recent lockdowns, the inequalities of our cities have been on our minds more than ever. Since some people own large spaces and many others don’t, we ask kids to help us think in new ways: how can we take over private spaces and share them? And how can we convince their current owners to let us do it?

Before the workshop, each Young Expropriator must select a private space in their neighbourhood. Has your neighbour never used their huge backyard? Is the supermarket parking lot way too big? When school is out, what else can we do in its yard? Choose your target and come prepared to convince its current owner.

For children ages 9 to 14, accompanied by an adult.

Free, but spaces are limited. Please reserve your place by email at rsvp@cca.qc.ca.


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