The CCA Emerging Curator Program 2019-2020 “Patterns of Rural Commoning” investigates countryside communities that develop unique forms of living, working, and producing, through three case study workshops in Gerswalde, Germany. Read Niklas Fanelsa’s essay Not mere travellers, which introduces the project.
In this third workshop, we will explore gardens, meadows, and forests for natural fabric dyes. We will also prepare a concluding meal for the workshop series using elements produced in previous workshops.
Anne Schwalbe is a photographer who focuses on nature. She studied at Ostkreuzschule for Photography in Berlin, and her column “The Gardens of Others” has been featured in ZeitMagazin since 2018. She has exhibited internationally, including at the Foam Museum for Photography Amsterdam and the Curator’s Cube Tokyo. She’s based in Werben (Elbe) where her artistic practice explores the natural dyeing and edible wild plants.
Location: Dorfmitte 7, 17268 Gerswalde
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