Curatorial Loaf, with Francesco Garutti

Event, in English, online, 6 November 2020, 2pm

The Curatorial Loaf will begin with a virtual tour of The Things Around Us: 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework, lead by Francesco Garutti, CCA Curator, Contemporary Architecture. Ask questions and be asked questions in a friendly atmosphere and meet other people who are curious about the same stories.

Normally, the tour is followed by a discussion and communal meal of bread, butter, and salt around a large table in the Shaughnessy House. However, in the current circumstances, this symbolic ritual of sharing simple food must also happen in a symbolic way. So we ask you to please have the following ready, before joining the zoom call:
- A very large piece of your favourite bread
- A topping (we suggest butter)
- A glass of wine, or whatever beverage puts you in a sociable state of mind

Click here to register for the loaf.


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