CCA Director, Giovanna Borasi, participates in My Architect, the 63rd course on Palladian Architecture offered by the Palladio Museum in Vicenza, Italy. The course includes ten speakers, each of whom present one architect who has been important to their research and to the way they think about architecture. Building on a 2015 CCA exhibition and book, Giovanna Borasi will speak about The Other Architect, which refers not to one particular architect but to a number of architecture, design, and research practices—from Architectural Detective Agency, to Design-A-Thon, to Cedric Price—that are socially engaged and challenge conventional formats of architecture, research, design, and production, ultimately reframing notions of the possible boundaries of architectural activity.
The course runs from October 3-7, 2021, and is open to the public. To register, please click here. Registration is €200 and open until 1 October.
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