CCA Director, Giovanna Borasi, delivers a talk and participates in a discussion with artist-architects Arvand Pourabbasi and Golnar Abbasi. The event, spurred by global housing shortages and presented as a part of Het Nieuwe Instituut’s multi-year exhibition Designing the Social, 100 years of idiosyncratic living in the Netherlands, takes the early-twentieth-century concept of the “minimum dwelling” as a point of departure for timely considerations about how design can happen in collaboration with a society that is increasingly variegated. Borasi’s talk explores contemporary architectures that present new and experimental approaches to supporting diverse forms of family and domesticity. The event is part of a weekly discussion series at Het Niuewe Instituut and will be moderated by Tara Lewis.
The event is free and open to the public. Click here to register.
Het Nieuwe Instituut
Museumpark 25
3015 CB Rotterdam
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