In Montréal, public transportation is a reality shared by nearly all of the island’s inhabitants. The wait for the bus or metro can often seem endless, and can be considered a real waste of time for many riders.
But it is possible that our children do not perceive it this way: maybe they see, by contrast, a time of unexplored possibilities. What if this lost time turns out, in fact, to be an opportunity? Do children have any suggestions for us?
Come to the CCA with your children to let them share their ideas. They will create a mock-up of the solutions that they envision, which will be recorded by video. The results will then be disseminated across the CCA’s social media channels.
The activity is reserved for children ages 7 to 12, accompanied by an adult. No registration is required.
Masks and hand sanitization remain mandatory inside the CCA building. We recognize that these measures go beyond the current government recommendations, and we thank you for your cooperation.
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