2022 CCA-WRI Fellows Casper Laing Ebbensgaard, Alina Nazmeeva, and Jessica Vaughn share their research on contemporary light conditions across scales, geographies, arts practices, and legal regimes.
In the first half of the symposium, the fellows speak on their individual research projects: “Geographies of Dangerous Attachments: The Vertical Axis of Illumination“ (Ebbensgaard), “Made of Sunshine: Urban Commons and Real Estate, Montréal, Canada“ (Nazmeeva) and “Working Skill Sets“ (Vaughn).
The second part includes responses from CCA-WRI committee members Yoshiharu Tsukamoto (Co-Founder of Atelier Bow-Wow and Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Gökçe Günel (Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Rice University) and a conversation on how our emergent ecological realities necessitate new practices, designs, and other social and material manifestations of architectural intervention that are above, below, and between; atmospheric, underground, and attentive to increasingly damaged landscapes all around us.
Please register to attend online.
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