I’ve Been Lonely Lately: Giovanna Borasi and Daniel Schwartz speak at Università della Svizzera italiana

CCA elsewhere, in English, Teatro dell'architettura Mendrisio, Accademia di architettura, Università della Svizzera italiana (live stream), 30 November 2023, 7h30 pm (GMT+2)

CCA Director and Chief Curator Giovanna Borasi and filmmaker Daniel Schwartz will present an overview of their work together in making a three-part documentary film series and investigation produced by the CCA. The films—What it Takes to Make a Home (2019), When We Live Alone (2021), and Where We Grow Older (2023)—look respectively at homelessness, solo-living, and aging as increasingly salient forms of aloneness in society. They highlight architectural projects that respond to these issuse by trying to imagine new and more integrative spatial configurations.

Organized as part of “The Emotional Power of Space”, the Academy’s 2023–2024 public lecture series curated by filmmakers Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine, Borasi and Schwartz’s talk will also expound their filmmaking process and curatorial vision and will address disciplinary questions such as: What role can documentaries play in cultural and research institutions? How do films differ from exhibitions and publications for both the creators and the public? And what happens when filmmakers and architectural professionals make things together?

To follow the streamed live event, please find more information here.


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