The Design for the Global Majority Project (a symposium and exhibition) traces fifty years of contributions by the Minimum Cost Housing Group (MCHG) at McGill University. Martien de Vletter, Associate Director, Collection, will address the relevance and content of the MCHG archive within the CCA Collection, and the research it has generated. The fonds documents the activities of the MCHG’s research projects, including the documents presented at the CCA for the exhibition “1973: Sorry, Out of Gas”. De Vletter will speak about the different materials that make up the archive, such as the textual records, dummies, research papers, photographs, drawings, samples of the sulphur concrete bricks, slides, and the research library – and how this archive has not only influenced CCA projects but also other researchers and curatorial projects.
Attendance via Zoom will be available upon registration. Register here
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