Where will you live once you grow older? Will your city take care of you? How to design for the elderly, and for those who care for them?
The documentary Where We Grow Older (CCA, 2023, 30 min) looks at how the growing aging population is reshaping architectural and social constructs and questions the role of urban design and politics in facing these challenges. The film investigates two models—in Barcelona and Baltimore—of how care and housing can be reconceived in light of prolonged lives: public housing as part of municipal policies and infrastructure—where the city is the caretaker—and the creation of a new architectural model that offers care in a single building managed by private entities not only to the elderly but also to their caretakers—where the building becomes the city.
This film concludes a three-part short documentary film series and investigation, conceived by CCA Director and Chief Curator Giovanna Borasi, directed by Daniel Schwartz, to examine how changing societies, new economic pressures, and increasing population density are affecting the homes of various communities. While the first film What It Takes to Make a Home (CCA, 2019, 29 min) addressed homelessness, the second film When We Live Alone (CCA, 2020, 27 min) examines the ways in which people live alone.
Where We Grow Older will screen on 24 November at the 2nd Festival Internacional de Cine sobre Envejecimiento (International Film Festival on Aging). The screening will be followed by a round table “Viejos Habitantes” with the participation of members from the Centro Interdisciplinario de Envejecimiento, el Centro de Vivienda y Habitat, la Sociedad de Arquitectos, el Colectivo Mujeres com Historia and la Cooperativa Carpe Diem.
2nd Festival Internacional de Cine sobre Envejecimiento (International Film Festival on Ageing) was organized by el Centro Interdisciplinario de Envejecimiento at Universidad de la República and el Cine Universitario del Uruguay. This festival was the first of its kind in Latin America to centre around the topic of ageing. Addressing ageing as a central theme, the festival seeks to create spaces to reflect and debate on the representation of ageing and old age.
Friday, 24 November 2023, 7pm
Auditorio, Faculdad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo
Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
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