On 11 April, join us at the School of Architecture at Université Laval à Québec, where Victoria Addona, Editor, CCA Publications, and Albert Ferre, Associate Director, Publications, will participate in a roundtable on photography and architecture, Photographie est projet. We will present our latest publication The Lives of Documents—Photography as Project and other books and articles we have been publishing to explore our ideas in different formats and with different people, and to circulate our ongoing conversations.
Édifice du Vieux-Seminaire de Quebec
1 cote de la Fabrique
Université Laval
Québec (Québec)
The event is free and open to the public.
You can search for everything here—our exhibitions, events, collection, articles, and bookstore. If you have any questions, please email us at publications@cca.qc.ca.
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