Join us in Parc Baile for a presentation and discussion of Making Mamak: Collective Ecologies of Urban Space by our 2022-2023 Emerging Curator Clarissa Lim Kye Lee. This event builds on the participative workshops, which took place in Kuala Lumpur in April 2024. Making Mamak draws attention to the role of Malaysian art collectives in shaping the urban and social fabric. During the workshops, art collectives shared their strategies for occupying and maintaining cultural spaces, as well as their experiments with new forms of artistic production and community engagement in the Archipelago.
Lim will present the premise of Making Mamak, her methodology and research, and the experience of the workshops, as well sharing insights that emerged during the process of the project. This will be followed by an open conversation with artist collectives from Montréal, and beyond.
With the participation of Montreal-based artist-run centres and collectives daphne, DARE-DARE, Ada X, and articule.
The event will be outdoors with mamak food and printed material from the workshops. In case of inclement weather, this event will be held indoors at the CCA.
This event is free and open to the public.
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