Join us for a 90-minute workshop on the evolution and legacy of hip hop and urban space, where we will listen to rap music, write lyrics, and draw maps in graffiti.
The four traditional pillars of hip hop—Breaking, MCing, DJing, and Graffiti—were founded in urban spaces by Black and Latino communities who were creating new ways to occupy street corners, subway cars, brick walls, staircases, empty lots, apartment complexes, and parks.
What stories of spaces and places are told through hip hop culture? How did cities originate a culture that “grew from concrete”?1
This is a free workshop for teenagers aged 14–17. Snacks will be provided.
These workshops are part of the CCA’s initiative started in spring 2022, to increase engagement and accessibility of architecture education to members of the BIPOC community through public programming. Please contact us to learn more about the Diverse Pasts and Near Futures Program. This workshop is made possible thanks to the support of Scotiabank.
“The Rose That Grew from Concrete,” featuring Nikki Giovanni, track 12 on 2Pac, The Rose That Grew from Concrete, Amaru, 2000 ↩
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