Plans, elevations, sections and joint details for insulation and repairs for Notre-Dame de Montréal, apparently for the renovations of 1929-1949
5 December 1938
sheet: 74.5 x 69.4 cm
inscribed and dated - by the draughtsman ? in graphite, u.c.: "ENTRE COUVERTURE / C" [underlined] and "SACRISTIE E" [underlined]; c.l.: "EPURE / COUPE SUR L'ABSIDE" [underlined]; c.: "COTE OUEST" [underlined]; "VOUTE au dessus / de la Salle de Couture"; c.r.: "PLAN - JUBE D" [underlined]; "Piece à poser pour consolider / deux poteaux verticaux" [underlined]; "Escalier allant au Jubé Ouest / audessus du passage allant / à la Salle de Couture [underlined]"; and "Mur à Boiserie dans / la Salle de Couture [underlined]"; l.l.: "EPUR E / PLAN DE LA VOUTE" [underlined] and with title and "LA FABRIQUE NOTRE DAME - MONTREAL" [underlined three times]; l.c.: "VOUTE [underlined] audessus de la / Grande Sacristie [underlined]" and "Depot de la Saint Vincent de Paul"; l.r.:"LE BUREAU" [underlined] and "EUGENE SAINT-JEAN Architecte / 757 COTE DE LA PLACE D'ARMES / MONTREAL. / 5/12/38" [underlined]; and throughout: with measurements and specifications
Montréal Island of Montréal Québec Canada
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