View of State and Adams Streets [?] showing commericial buildings with the W.W. Kimball musical instrument store on the right, Chicago, Illinois
1863 - ca. 1887
- Photograph PH1984:0038:023 is apparently taken from the intersection of State and Adams Streets based on the imprinted title. Further research is required to determine if this photograph is in fact taken from the intersection and from which direction the photograph was taken, as well as to identify the domed building at the center left of the photograph. If photographer was looking east along Adams Street, the Chicago Art Institute would be located at the center left of the photograph, however, the Institute never had a dome. Research has revealed no building which would "block" Adams Street looking west and/or State Street looking north or south (Schulze and Harrington).
Albumen silver print
comp.: 18.7 x 24.1 cm secondary support: 26.4 x 35.5 cm
labelled and imprinted - in typescript, on a paper label attached to the secondary support, l.c.: with title [double black line over and under text] numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, l.r.: "23" [sideways]
Chicago; Illinois; United States;
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