Interior view of the Deutsches Architekturmuseum [German Architecture Museum] showing the third level with the girders of the first storey of the House-in-House on the left, a light well and exhibition areas, Schaumainkai 43, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
between May and December 1984
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 30.9 x 23.6 cm
stamped and imprinted - in typescript and black ink, on the print, verso, l.c.: "COPYRIGHT / INGRID VOTH-AMSLINGER / 8 MÜNCHEN 19 / ALDRINGENSTR.10. TEL. 133596 / VERÖFFENTLICHUNG NUR / GEGEN NAMENSN[E]NNUNG / BELEG UND HONORAR / [a black line between text] ARCHIV NR.:" [enclosed in a black box] numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the print, verso, l.c.: "7"
Frankfurt am Main; Germany;
© Ingrid Amslinger
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