Plans, elevations, sections and details for a balustrade and stairs for a chapel for Notre-Dame de Montréal, apparently for the renovations of 1929-1949, rue Saint-Sulpice
14 May 1932
- Drawings AR1996:1001:256, AR1996:1001:259 and AR1996:1001:295 - AR1996:1001:297 are for a balustrade and stairs for a chapel on rue St.-Sulpice, Montréal. All five drawings have been identified as part of Notre-Dame de Montréal, given that rue St.-Sulpice runs along the east side of the church. Further documentation of these drawings should include determining if the balustrade and stairs were constructed, whether they are extant, and if they are an integral part of the church.
sheet: 83.4 x 106.2 cm
inscribed and dated - by the draughtsman ? in graphite, t.: with title and "N.B. [underlined] L'ENTREPRENEUR DEVRA VERIFIER / TOUT LES MESURES SUR LES LIEUX AVANT / DE COMMENCER LE TRAVAIL"; u.r.: "EUGENE ST-JEAN ARCHITECTE / 757 COTE DE LA PLACE D'ARMES / MONTREAL / 14/5/32."; c.l.: "ELEVATION / SECTIONS DU POTEAU"; c.: "ELEVATION"; c.r.: "ELEVATION / SECTION ESCALIER"; l.l.: "PLAN"; and b.: "PLAN"; "POTEAUX A POSER POUR APPAREILLER / CEUX DE L'ESCALIER SORTIE DE LA CHAPELLE / RUE ST-SULPICE"; and "PLAN - SECTION ESCALIER - D.-G.N."; and in various locations: with measurements and specifications
Montréal Island of Montréal Québec Canada
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