Plans and elevations for a stone wall for Notre-Dame de Montréal, apparently for the renovations of 1929-1949, rue Saint-Sulpice
30 May 1932
sheet: 53.4 x 179.0 cm
- The drawing is executed partially in graphite with additions in graphite in various locations. Pinholes at corners of drawing.
inscribed and dated - by the draughtsman ? in graphite, u.c.: with title; u.r.: "EUGENE ST-JEAN ARCHITECTE / 757 COTE de la PLACE D'ARMES / MONTREAL / 30/5/32." and "N.B. [underlined] L'ENTREPRENEUR DEVRA VERIFIER / TOUTES LES MESURES SUR LES LIEUX / ET AVERTIR L'ARCHITECTE S'IL / CONSTATE QUELQUES ERREURS."; c.l.: "PLAN / BRAS D'ESCALIER"; "PLAN de FONDATIONS"; "VUE DE COTÉ"; and "MUR DE PIERRE DE L'ESCALIER / RUE ST-SULPICE"; c.: "PLAN" and "30/5/32."; l.c.: "ELEVATION" and "30/5/32."; and throughout: with measurements and specifications
Montréal Island of Montréal Québec Canada
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