Half-Inch Scale Detail, Elevation and Section, of the Ninth Through Twelfth Floors for the Monadnock Block, Chicago
ca. September 1885
Pen and red and black ink, pink, yellow and red wash and graphite on stiff wove paper
plume et encre noire et rouge, lavis rose, jaune et rouge et crayon graphite sur papier vélin rigide
sheet: 90,8 x 49,9 cm
- Sheet has been cleaned.
inscribed and numbered - by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, l.c.: with title and "C" [within a circle, drawing number]; u.l.: "Section through Piers / B:C:D:E:J:K:L & M"; u.l.: "Section of Corners / Piers A:F:L & N"; l.: with floor numbers; and throughout: with dimensions and notes concerning the design inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, l.c.: "Change / Change / Square"
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