Album of drawings, prints and manuscripts for alterations to the Préfecture de police, rue de Jérusalem, Paris, and for the enlargement of a nearby prison, and prints and record drawings of French and English prisons and courthouses
Album of drawings, prints and manuscripts for alterations to the Préfecture de police, rue de Jérusalem, Paris, and for the enlargement of a nearby prison, and prints and record drawings of French and English prisons and courthouses
  • Hubert Rohault de Fleury (draughtsman)
  • Antoine Marie Peyre (draughtsman)
  • Hubert Rohault de Fleury (architect)
  • Le Febvre (architect)
  • Louis-Hippolyte Lebas (architect)
  • Hubert Rohault de Fleury (author)
  • Théodore Müller (draughtsman)
  • Le Febvre (draughtsman)
  • Nicolas-Jean Villot (draughtsman)
  • Antoine Marie Peyre (architect)
  • Unknown, France, early 19th century (engraver (printmaker))
  • E. Simon fils (lithographer)
  • Joseph Varin (engraver (printmaker))
  • Félix Fries (architect)
  • Le Febvre (engineer)
  • Louis-Hippolyte Lebas (draughtsman)
  • Félix Fries (draughtsman)
  • Nicolas-Jean Villot (architect)
  • Jean-Jacques Leroy (engraver (printmaker))

Album of drawings, prints and manuscripts for alterations to the Préfecture de police, rue de Jérusalem, Paris, and for the enlargement of a nearby prison, and prints and record drawings of French and English prisons and courthouses


drawings executed 1816-1833, prints 1788-1841, manuscripts 1816-1830


- This album contains drawings which range from design development drawings to highly finished renderings - mostly plans, elevations and sections - for Hubert Rohault de Fleury's proposed alterations to the Préfecture de police and for additions to a nearby prison, Paris, and prints and record drawings of French and English prisons and courthouses. Although the table of contents indicates that drawings four to twelve are for diverse projects (DR1974:0002:015:004 - DR1974:0002:015:015), they are apparently all related to Rohault de Fleury's proposals for alterations to the Préfecture de police (1833 ?) and for the enlargement of the nearby prison (1819). The proposals for the Préfecture de police included the rearrangement of the layout of the buildings and courtyards, and possibly the replacement of some buildings. Included with these drawings is an engraving by Jean-Jacques Leroy after plans by Antoine Marie Peyre for alterations to the Palais de justice, Paris (1822-1828), with a block plan for the adjacent Préfecture de police(DR1974:0002:015:001). Rohault de Fleury's project for the enlargement of the prison near the Préfecture de police includes cost estimates and specifications (DR1974:0002:015:016), and plans for lodgings for Mr. Vachette "l'état-major" (DR1974:0002:015:032). The record drawings and prints of prisons in France include: La Petite Roquette Prison for young offenders, Paris (1825-1826); Hazebrouck Prison, (probably ca. 1825); Palais de justice and prison, Toulon (1829); Chalôns-sur-Marne prison (1828); prison buildings at Caen (1788); and the Agricultural colony, Ostwald (1841). A programme concerning the population and classification of prisoners is included with the record drawings of La Petite Roquette Prison (DR1974:0002:015:033). The prison buidings at Caen (1788) are represented in an engraving after the engineer Le Febvre's designs (DR1974:0002:015:048). The lithographs by E. Simon fils of the Agricultural colony at Ostwald (1841) include a bird's-eye view of the complex (DR1974:0002:015:051). The record drawings and prints of prisons in the United Kingdom include: Chester Castle Prison and courthouse (1785-1822); possibly Ipswich Prison (probably between 1816 and 1830); and possibly Bridewell Prison, Edinburgh (1791-1795). Also included are record drawings, probably of three different unidentified English prisons of radial plan, and one panopticon prison (panopticon plan: DR1974:0002:015:049; radial plans: DR1974:0002:015:059 - DR1974:0002:015:061, and DR1974:0002:015:063 - DR1974:0002:015:070). The project for Chester Castle prison and courthouse (DR1974:0002:015:052 - DR1974:0002:015:058), includes a description and analysis of the courthouse and a bird's-eye view (DR1974:0002:015:052, DR1974:0002:015:054 and DR1974:0002:015:056).

textual records
works of art
Quantity / Object type:
1 album(s)
Stage and Purpose:
  • contract drawings
  • design development drawings
  • presentation drawings (proposals)
  • record drawings
  • working drawings
  • mechanical drawings (building systems drawings)
  • HVAC drawings
  • detail drawings
Technique and media:

Manuscripts include three pen and brown ink on laid paper


album (at binding): 66,5 x 51,2 x 2,5 cm plate marks (range): 40,6 to 56,8 x 37,5 to 46,5 cm sheets (range): 15,5 to 64,8 x 11,5 to 157,5 cm secondary support (range): 33,2 to 64,3 x 19,7 to 161 cm flap (range): 6,8 to 8,6 x 20,6 to 22,7 cm

Reference number:


Drawing Type:
  • line drawings
  • mechanical drawings (tool-aided drawings)
  • finished drawings
  • freehand drawings
  • renderings
  • sketches
  • travel sketches
  • tracings
Document Type:
  • notes
  • specifications
  • financial record
  • building programme
Method of Projection:
  • perspective drawing
  • scale drawings
  • floor plans
  • foundation plans
  • site plans
  • block plans
  • sections (orthographic drawings)
  • elevations (drawings)
  • sectional elevations
Point of View:
  • bird's-eye views
  • exterior views
  • interior views
Physical characteristics and technical requirements:

- This album is bound between album boards which are faced with marbled paper. Seventy sheets are attached to the binding by guards.


inscribed and numbered - on some of the drawings, by the draughtsman, in graphite and/or pen and brown, red and/or black ink, in various locations: with titles, dimensions, and notes concerning the layout of the building; and on most of the drawings, in graphite: with numbers corresponding to the table of contents dated and signed - on some of the drawings, by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink or graphite, in various locations: with date and signature inscribed, dated, and signed - on DR1974:0002:015:016, by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, l.c.: "Le ... [illeg.] devis dressé par l'architecte de la Préfecture de Police / le 14 Avril 1819 Rohault / vu par le Conseil Spécial des prisons en séance le 8 juillet / 1822 Le Préfet de Police Président le Conseil [sic] / ... [illeg.]" inscribed, dated, and signed - on DR1974:0002:015:023, by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, b.r.: "vu par le Conseil spécial des prisons en séance, le 8 juillet 1822 / Le Préfet de Police Président le Conseil [sic] / [illeg. signature] / Rohault / 14 Avril 1819" dated and signed - on DR1974:0002:015:003, DR1974:0002:015:004, and DR1974:0002:015:027, by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, in various locations: with day, month and year, and with signature dated - on DR1974:0002:015:033, DR1974:0002:015:041 and DR1974:0002:015:046, by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, u.l.: with year or with day, month and year inscribed - on DR1974:0002:015:040, by the draughtsman, in graphite, l.r.: "Prison a Hazebrouck modification d'un projet de M [illeg. name] / Rapport au conseil" inscribed and dated - on DR1974:0002:015:054, by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, l.c.: "Extrait d'un voyage au angleterre [sic] par / une française en 1810 et 1811 / paris [sic] chez ... [illeg.] et Wurtz 1816." inscribed, signed, and dated - on DR1974:0002:015:050 and DR1974:0002:015:051, by the lithographer, in the plate below the image, b.l. to b.r.: "Dressé par N. Villot et F. Fries architectes de la Ville 1841" and "Lith d' E Simon Fils à Strasbourg"; and on DR1974:0002:015:051: "Th. Muller del" signed and imprinted - on DR1974:0002:015:001, by the engraver, in the plate below the image: "J.J. Leroy sculp / A. Peyre del" signed and inscribed - on DR1974:0002:015:034, by the engraver, in the plate below the image: "Ludivico. Hippolyto.Lebas. / Operis. Architecto." signed and inscribed - on DR1974:0002:015:048, by the engraver, in the plate below the image: "Le Febvre inv" and Varin sculp"

  • architecture
Subject Descriptive Terms:
  • panopticon
  • prisons
  • radial plan prison
Credit line:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

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