Album of plans, elevations and sections for the Théâtre-Italien, rue de la Paix, Paris
Album of plans, elevations and sections for the Théâtre-Italien, rue de la Paix, Paris
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (draughtsman)
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (architect)
  • Charles-Bonaparte Marlier (engraver (printmaker))
  • Paul Rohault de Fleury (engineer)

Album of plans, elevations and sections for the Théâtre-Italien, rue de la Paix, Paris


drawings executed in 1839, prints executed in 1838


- This album contains elevations, plans, and sections for Rohault de Fleury's unexecuted project to construct a new opera house for the Théâtre Royal Italien on the site of the Hôtel du Timbre and the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. The finished nature of the drawings, and their cohesive representation, suggests that they are presentation drawings for a prospective client(s). The unbound engraving and transfer lithograph (DR1974:0002:019:001 and DR1974:0002:019:002) relate directly to the subject matter of the album, however, they are probably later additions as they do not appear in the table of contents.

works of art
Quantity / Object type:
1 album(s)
Stage and Purpose:
  • presentation drawings (proposals)
Technique and media:

Prints include one engraving and one transfer lithograph with wash, graphite, and pen and black ink


album: 44,7 x 59,1 cm plate mark: 21,2 x 12,9 cm sheet (smallest): 27,1 x 42,9 cm sheet (largest): 22,8 x 44,4 cm secondary support (smallest): 44,4 x 58,5 cm secondary support (largest): 44,4 x 59,6 cm case: 46,6 x 59,1 x 1,8 cm

Reference number:


Drawing Type:
  • line drawings
  • finished drawings
  • freehand drawings
  • rendering
Method of Projection:
  • floor plans
  • site plans
  • cross section
  • longitudinal sections
  • exterior elevation
  • interior elevation
  • sectional elevation
Point of View:
  • exterior view
  • interior view

inscribed - on the title page, by a contemporary hand, in graphite, u.c. to l.c.: "Théâtre / Royal Italien / Projet / sur l'emplacement du Timbre / rue de la Paix / par Ch. Rohault / architecte du Musée d'Histoire Naturelle / Ancien élève de l'école Polytechnique" stamped - on DR1974:0002:019:001, by a contemporary hand, in pen and black ink, verso, u.r.: "Paul Rohault de Fleury / Ingénieur Civil / A Paris" labelled - on the front album board, by an unknown hand, in graphite, c.l.: with an illegible personal name inscribed - on all of the drawings and originals, by a contemporary hand, in graphite and pen and ink, in various locations: with titles inscribed - on most of the drawings, by the draughtsman, in graphite, in various locations: with titles indicating the functions of the rooms signed - on DR1974:0002:019:004 - DR1974:0002:019:011 and DR1974:0002:019:013 - DR1974:0002:019:023, by the architect, in pen and brown ink, l.r.: "Ch Rohault" signed - on DR1974:0002:019:003 and DR1974:0002:019:012, by the architect, in pen and brown ink, l.r.: "Ch Rohault / arch" stamped - on DR1974:0002:019:004 - DR1974:0002:019:011 and DR1974:0002:019:013 - DR1974:0002:019:023, by a contemporary hand, in black ink, u.l.: "Ch Rohault / architects / Rue Matignon 18" numbered - on DR1974:0002:019:004 - DR1974:0002:019:011 and DR1974:0002:019:013 - DR1974:0002:019:023, by an unknown hand, in graphite, u.r.: with numbers II to XXI with the exception of X which was not inscribed on DR1974:0002:019:012, but which is listed as X in the table of contents numbered - on DR1974:0002:019:003, by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, u.r.: "Ier Planche" signed, dated and inscribed - on DR1974:0002:019:001, by the engraver, in the plate, l.l.: "Ch. Rohault, / Architecte 1838"; and l.r.: "Marler sc" signed, dated and inscribed - on DR1974:0002:019:002, by the architect, in pen and black ink, l.r.: "Dressé par l'architecte soussigné / Paris ce X bre 1838 / Ch Rohault" numbered - on DR1974:0002:019:002, by an unknown hand, in graphite, u.r. and l.r.: "II" labelled - on the front pastedown, on a white paper label, by an unknown hand, in pen and black ink, u.l.: "DE LA BIBLIOTHEQUE / DE / ROHAULT DE FLEURY / MANUSCRITS"

  • architecture
Subject Descriptive Terms:
  • cafés
  • vestibule
  • lobby
  • stage
  • boutiques
  • boxes
Credit line:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

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