Album of drawings and prints for a Hôtel de préfecture and a Hôtel de ville, Poitiers, France
Album of drawings and prints for a Hôtel de préfecture and a Hôtel de ville, Poitiers, France
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (architect)
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (draughtsman)
  • Vienne (France : Dept.) (client)

Album of drawings and prints for a Hôtel de préfecture and a Hôtel de ville, Poitiers, France


1859-1860, printed 1859-1860


- This album contains drawings by Charles Rohault de Fleury which range from preliminary sketches to finished drawings - mostly plans, elevations and sections - for unexecuted projects for a Hôtel de préfecture and a Hôtel de ville for the city of Poitiers (Département de Vienne). Highly finished conceptual drawings dated September 1859 depict the general appearance and layout of the Hôtel de préfecture, however, the plans pertain primarily to the Hôtel du Préfet (DR1974:0002:020:003 - DR1974:0002:020:011). Transfer lithographs of working drawings for the Hôtel de préfecture dated November 1859 have detailed measurements showing the layout and construction of all the major building components (DR1974:0002:020:014 - DR1974:0002:020:018 and DR1974:0002:020:020). Also included are a plan and elevation dated February 1860 (DR1974:0002:020:013 and DR1974:0002:020:019). A site plan and perspective view for this Louis XIIIth style hôtel de préfecture have detailed keys (DR1974:0002:020:001 and DR1974:0002:020:002). The utilitarian structures for the Hôtel de préfecture, such as the portico pavilions and the Archives building, are constructed in a sparser style than the Hôtel du Préfet. The project for the Hôtel de ville is much less developed than that for the Hôtel de préfecture. Most of the drawings are unbound at the end of the album (DR1974:0002:020:035 - DR1974:0002:020:050). The two designs for this project, dated October 1859 and December 1859, are similar and depict an Italianate (Francis I ?) two-storey arcuated façade with pedimented windows, and coupled Corinthian columns. The construction materials are brick and stone. The two designs differ in the disposition of their flanking pavilions: the earlier project is housed under one roof (DR1974:0002:020:037), while the later project shows separate roofs for the pavilions (DR1974:0002:020:040 and DR1974:0002:020:042). Site plan DR1974:0002:020:012 indicates the proposed locations of the Hôtel de préfecture and Hôtel de ville: the former is situated near the train station between rue des Carmelites and boulevard Solferino, and the latter on a newly created square just west of the Hôtel de préfecture between rue des Grandes Écoles and rue de la Mairie.

works of art
Quantity / Object type:
1 album(s)
Stage and Purpose:
  • design drawings
  • design development drawings
  • preliminary drawings
  • working drawings
  • detail drawings
Technique and media:

Manuscript in graphite with some pen and brown ink on wove paper


album: 49 x 37,3 x 2,2 cm sheet (smallest): 8,5 x 13,5 cm sheet (largest): 48,5 x 70,5 cm secondary support (smallest): 20 x 30,5 cm secondary support (largest): 64 x 48,6 cm

Reference number:


Drawing Type:
  • line drawings
  • finished drawings
  • freehand drawings
  • preliminary sketches
  • tracings
  • thumbnail sketches
Method of Projection:
  • exterior perspective
  • scale drawings
  • profile (orthographic drawing)
  • partial plans
  • floor plans
  • framing plans
  • site plans
  • key plan
  • cross sections
  • longitudinal sections
  • partial elevations
  • exterior elevations
  • interior elevations
  • sketch elevations (drawings)
Point of View:
  • exterior views
  • interior views
Physical characteristics and technical requirements:

- This album is bound between album boards which are faced with green marbled paper and a spine covered with green cloth. Thirty-three sheets are attached to the binding with guards, some of which remain unused. Seventeen loose sheets have been inserted at the end of the album.


labelled - on the front pastedown, on a white paper label, by an unknown hand, in pen and black ink, u.l.: "DE LA BIBLIOTHEQUE / DE / ROHAULT DE FLEURY / MANUSCRITS" signed and dated - on many of the drawings and originals, by the draughtsman, in pen and brown or black ink or graphite, in various locations, the following on DR1974:0002:020:018 being typical of the most complete inscriptions: "Dressé par l'Architecte Soussigné / Paris, ce Novembre 1859 / Rohault de Fleury"; and the following on DR1974:0002:020:012 being typical of the briefer inscriptions: "28 xbre 1859 / Rohault de Fleury" dated - on several of the drawings, by the draughtsman, in graphite, u.l., u.r. or l.r.: with the day, month and year or the month and year inscribed - on most of the drawings and originals from DR1974:0002:020:001 - DR1974:0002:020:034, by the draughtsman ? in various locations: with titles inscribed - on most of the originals and many of the drawings, by the draughtsman, graphite, in various locations: with titles, titles indicating the layout of the rooms, dimensions, and/or notations concerning the layout of the building numbered - on DR1974:0002:020:005 - DR1974:0002:020:011, by a contemporary hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, u.r.: with numbers from "3" to "9" [numbers 1 and 2 are probably DR1974:0002:020:003 and DR1974:0002:020:004]; and on the secondary support, verso u.l.: with numbers from "3" to "9" inscribed and dated - on DR1974:0002:020:023, by the architect, in graphite, l.r.: "change du comble 1860"

  • architecture
  • interior design
Credit line:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Folder Number:

Size II - 011


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