Album of transfer lithographs of working and contract drawings for the Chambre des Notaires, place du Châtelet, Paris
Album of transfer lithographs of working and contract drawings for the Chambre des Notaires, place du Châtelet, Paris
  • Auguste Joseph Pellechet (architect)
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (architect)
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (draughtsman)

Album of transfer lithographs of working and contract drawings for the Chambre des Notaires, place du Châtelet, Paris


contracted 12 May 1855, prints executed between February and June 1855


- This album contains 21 transfer lithographs of contract and working drawings for the Chambre des Notaires, Paris. The transfer lithographs of the contract drawings (DR1974:0002:022:002, DR1974:0002:022:003 and DR1974:0002:022:005 - DR1974:0002:022:011) are signed by architects Charles Rohault de Fleury and Auguste Joseph Pellechet (Hillairet, 393), and by six unidentified hands, probably those of the contractors and/or client(s). Several revisions are evident between these transfer lithographs, dated April 1855, and the transfer lithographs of the working drawings, predominantly dated June 1855 (DR1974:0002:022:001 and DR1974:0002:022:012 - DR1974:0002:022:018). Minor changes have been made in the distribution of spaces on all floors, while more significant changes have been made in the dimensions and design of the façade bays (Bergdoll). Rohault de Fleury considered three alternate elevations (DR1974:0002:022:019 - DR1974:0002:022:021) for the principal façade with different column dispositions and window designs. The basic arrangement of the façade, however, remained the same: three floors each carrying a different order, separated by prominent entablatures and surmounted by an attic roof with dormer windows. The façade as constructed most closely approximates the elevations on transfer lithographs DR1974:0002:022:001 and DR1974:0002:022:002. The floor plans, with their detailed measurements, also correspond quite closely to the building as constructed (Bergdoll). The plans are particularly informative concerning the mixed use of iron and masonry construction. The "soubassement" consists of numerous masonry supports spanned by iron beams, while the "rez-de-chaussée" and "entresol" are constructed of iron columns, beams, and lintels allowing for abundant fenestration on the side façades (DR1974:0002:022:003 - DR1974:0002:022:004). The upper stories then revert back to a construction similar to that of the "soubassement".

works of art
Quantity / Object type:
1 album(s)
Stage and Purpose:
  • contract drawings
  • design drawings
  • working drawings
  • detail drawings
  • presentation drawings
Technique and media:

Prints include transfer lithographs, some with pink wash, some with graphite revisions, all on wove paper


album: 51,4 x 47,5 x 1,8 cm sheet (smallest [approx.]): 58,5 x 44 cm sheet (largest [approx.]): 122,3 x 72,6 cm

Reference number:


Drawing Type:
  • line drawings
  • mechanical drawings (tool-aided drawings)
  • finished drawings
Method of Projection:
  • scale drawings
  • floor plans
  • cross section
  • longitudinal section
  • elevations (drawings)
Point of View:
  • exterior views
  • interior views
Physical characteristics and technical requirements:

- This album is bound with parchment over cardboard and faced with blue marbled paper. Transfer lithograph DR1974:0002:022:001 has been folded to fit into the album.


signed - on DR1974:0002:022:002 - DR1974:0002:022:003 and DR1974:0002:002:005 - DR1974:0002:022:011, by the draughtsman, in pen and brown ink, l.r.: "Rohault" inscribed and signed - on DR1974:0002:022:002 - DR1974:0002:022:003 and DR1974:0002:022:005 - DR1974:0002:022:011, by the architect, in pen and brown ink, l.r.: "approuvé / Pellechet" inscribed - on most of the originals, probably by the draughtsman, in various locations, the following on DR1974:0002:022:010 being typical: "Dressé par l'Architecte Soussigné / Paris ce Avril 1855" [the dates range from February to June 1855 with the majority being dated to April or June] inscribed and dated - on DR1974:0002:022:002 - DR1974:0002:022:003 and DR1974:0002:022:005 - DR1974:0002:022:011, by a contemporary hand, in pen and brown ink, l.r. or b.: "Annexe aux marché / de ce jour Douze / Mai mil huit / cent cinquante cinq" [date of contract] signed - on DR1974:0002:022:002 - DR1974:0002:022:003 and DR1974:0002:022:005 - DR1974:0002:022:011, by six unknown hands, in pen and brown ink, b. or l.r.: with the signatures of the clients and/or contractors inscribed - on most of the originals, by the draughtsman, in various locations: with titles; and throughout: with dimensions and notations concerning the layout and construction of the building inscribed - on most of the prints, probably by the draughtsman, in graphite, in various locations: with dimensions and notations revising the original dimensions and notations for the layout and construction of the building inscribed - on most of the originals, probably by the draughtsman, u.l.: "Chambre des Notaires"; and u.r.: "Place du Châtelet"

  • architecture
Subject Descriptive Terms:
  • pediments
  • mansard roof
  • Ionic order columns (architectural elements)
  • fanlight
  • coupled columns
  • Corinthian order pilasters
  • Tuscan order columns
Credit line:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

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