Album of drawings for architectural ornament and sculpture, including competition drawings submitted to the Concours d'émulation held at the École impériale des beaux-arts, Paris
- This album contains drawings of architectural ornament - mostly highly finished - by Charles and Georges Rohault de Fleury. Although primarily from unidentified sources (DR1974:0002:026:002 - DR1974:0002:026:025, and DR1974:0002:026:038), there are a few drawings with identified sources, and twelve drawings of architectural ornament submitted by Georges to the Concours d'émulation (monthly competitions) held at the École impériale des beaux-arts, Paris. The subject matter of the drawings of architectural ornament from unidentified sources consists of capitals, friezes, festoons, moldings, cartouches, and vegetal and floral ornament. Identified subject matter includes a Composite capital and entablature from the Louvre (DR1974:0002:026:024), details from the Temple of Jupiter Stator, Rome (DR1974:0002:026:007 and DR1974:0002:026:013), and a Corinthian capital from Hôtel Soltykoff, Paris (DR1974:0002:026:038). The drawings for the Concours d'émulation by Georges are numbered "1er" to "12e" and were submitted to concours dating from 16 June 1857 to 22 October 1858 (DR1974:0002:026:026 - DR1974:0002:026:037). An unbound sheet inserted in the front of the album may be a portrait of Charles Rohault de Fleury (DR1974:0002:026:001).
Drawings include mostly wash, graphite and/or charcoal, some with white chalk, and a few conté crayon and graphite, all on wove paper
album: 66 x 51,8 x 1,7 cm sheet (smallest): 24,5 x 15 cm sheet (largest): 64,6 x 49 cm
- This album is bound between album boards faced with marbled paper and a spine covered with green cloth. The sheets are bound to the spine with thread. One sheet is unbound.
inscribed, signed, dated - on DR1974:0002:026:038 V, by a contemporary hand, in graphite, c.r.: "ornements / georges / 1854-55-56 / [illeg.] name 1/2 g aigle / cartonnoié [?] / rue Neuve / Hôtel Soltykoff / Exterieurs. / Facade sur la rue Stade" dated - on DR1974:0002:026:003 - DR1974:0002:026:006, DR1974:0002:026:008 - DR1974:0002:026:019, DR1974:0002:026:022 - DR1974:0002:026:023, and DR1974:0002:026:025, by the draughtsman, in graphite, l.r.: with dates numbered, dated, inscribed and signed - on DR1974:0002:026:026 - DR1974:0002:026:037, by an unknown contemporary hand ?, in pen and black ink, u.l., l.r., and/or verso, u.l., the following on DR1974:0002:026:029 being typical: "No 32 4e / 14 Juillet 1857 / Division / Rohault Eleve de mr Rohault / No 32 4e / Rohault Eleve / de Mr. Rohault" stamped - on DR1974:0002:026:026 - DR1974:0002:026:037, by a contemporary hand, in black ink, u.l. and/or verso, u.l.: "Ecole / des Beaux-Arts / Concours / D'Emulation" dated - on DR1974:0002:026:001, by the draughtsman, in graphite, l.r.: "...[illeg.] 1868" signed and dated - on DR1974:0002:026:025, by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, b.r.: "georges 1 9b 56"
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