Ground plan of the upper garden of the Palazzo Farnese at Caprarola
- This print shows a general plan of the upper garden of the Palazzo Farnese at Caprarola, including the grottoes, fountains, cascade, casino (labeled "Palazzina"), and parterres.
Etching and engraving
plate mark: 72.5 x 47.8 cm sheet: 74.2 x 51.7 cm
imprinted - l.l.: "Pianta geometrica della Palazzina, / e Giardino grande del / Real Palazzo di Caprarola"; l.l. and l.r.: [a legend numbered 1 to 21, and labels of parts of buildings and gardens throughout]; l.r.: "Scala di palmi ottanta Romani"; l.r.: "Architettura di Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola / Disegnata, ed incisa in Roma da Giuseppe Vasi da / Corleone Diocesi di Monreale in Sicilia l'anno 1746." Real Palazzo di Caprarola
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