Album of drawings, prints and documents for place de la Concorde and the restoration of the Thermes de Julien, Paris
Album of drawings, prints and documents for place de la Concorde and the restoration of the Thermes de Julien, Paris
  • Etienne Hyppolite Godde (correspondence writer)
  • Auguste Hibon (etcher)
  • Hubert Rohault de Fleury (architect)
  • Seine (France). Préfecture (client)
  • Auguste Hibon (engraver (printmaker))
  • Emile Edmond Ollivier (engraver (printmaker))
  • Etienne Hyppolite Godde (architect)
  • Hubert Rohault de Fleury (correspondence writer)
  • Hubert Roux (lithographer)
  • Hubert Rohault de Fleury (draughtsman)
  • Emile Edmond Ollivier (etcher)
  • duc Elie Decazes (client)
  • Louis Nicolas Marie Destouches (architect)
  • Seine (France). Préfecture (correspondence writer)
  • Jacques Etienne Thierry (architect)
  • Bernard Poyet (architect)
  • Paris (France). Conseil municipal (client)
  • Lysicrates (client)
  • Adrien Louis Lusson (architect)
  • Etienne Jules Thierry (architect)

Album of drawings, prints and documents for place de la Concorde and the restoration of the Thermes de Julien, Paris




- This album contains drawings, prints and manuscripts chiefly related to two projects: the restoration of the Thermes de Julien and the development of the place de la Concorde, then known as place Louis XV. The ruins of the baths are documented in five drawings by Hubert Rohault de Fleury. The portfolio of manuscripts includes letters from the "Préfecture du Départment de la Seine" appointing Hubert Rohault de Fleury and Etienne Goddes to direct the restoration of the baths, a report by Rohault de Fleury and Goddes, and subsequent letters. The report includes a description of the baths, historical research, suggestions for earth removal and the purchase of adjacent buildings to be demolished. Both proposals made by Hubert Rohault de Fleury to the "Ministre de l'interior" for place Louis XV include central fountains and streets bisecting the square into four quadrants, each with fenced lawns and central fountains. One proposal shows the outer corner of each quadrant bordered by colonnades and loggias overlooking the "jardins des Tuileries", while the other proposal shows promenades bordered by a row of sculptures (DR1974:0002:037:004 - DR1974:0002:037:013). Also by Hubert Rohault de Fleury are several sketches for urban squares and five sketches for fountains, probably for place Louis XV (DR1974:0002:037:003, DR1974:0002:037:014 R/V - DR1974:0002:037:018 R/V). Projects by other architects for place Louis XV in the album include: a print by an unknown engraver of a project by Poyet for place Louis XV, including an opera house; engravings by Ollivier and Hibon of plans and fountains for place Louis XVI by Destouches and by Lusson; a lithograph by Roux of an obelisk with a fountain, probably a proposal for the base of the obelisk from Luxor.
- Material unrelated to the Thermes de Julien and place Louis XV in this album includes one sheet of sketches of plans and elevations of unidentified buildings (DR1974:0002:037:001:045 R/V) and a plan showing the location of trees on the edge of place du Cirque Olympique, Paris (DR1974:0002:037:025). In addition to place Louis XVI, the engravings by Hibon and Ollivier depict a fountain for the ville de Toulouse designed by either Etienne Jacques or Etienne Jules Tierry and details of the acanthus foliage finial of the "Lanterne de
Démosthénes", often known as the Choragic monument of Lysicrates, Greece (DR1974:0002:037:020 and DR1974:0002:037:021).

textual records
works of art
Quantity / Object type:
1 album(s)
Stage and Purpose:
  • conceptual drawings
  • design development drawings
  • schematic drawing
  • measured drawings
  • presentation drawings (proposals)
  • record drawings
  • detail drawing
Technique and media:

Prints include transfer lithographs, some with graphite and pen and ink, on wove paper, etchings and engravings on laid and wove paper, and one lithograph on laid paper


album: 46,8 x 30 x 2 cm portfolio: 35 x 21,8 x 0,8 cm plate mark (smallest): 24,4 x 32 cm plate mark (largest): 26,1 x 61,1 cm sheet (smallest): 24 x 17,5 cm sheet (largest): 63,8 x 50 cm

Reference number:


Drawing Type:
  • line drawings
  • mechanical drawings (tool-aided drawings)
  • finished drawings
  • freehand drawings
  • renderings
  • sketches
Document Type:
  • correspondence
  • reports
Method of Projection:
  • perspective drawings
  • axonometric drawing
  • plans (drawings)
  • sections (orthographic drawings)
  • elevations (drawings)
  • sketch elevations (drawings)
  • sketch plans (drawings)
Point of View:
  • general views
  • partial views
Physical characteristics and technical requirements:

- This group consists of one album and one portfolio. The portfolio consists of a paper folder containing eleven unbound sheets of paper and ten sheets of paper and string (DR1974:0002:037:001:001-049). The album is bound with gray cardboard folder and string. Most of the large folded sheets (DR1974:0002:037:002 - DR1974:0002:037:031) are bound directly into the album. Five sheets are bound into the album with guards made of reused paper and four sheets are unbound.


dated, inscribed and signed - on DR1974:0002:037:001:001, by the correspondent, in pen and brown ink, u.r.: "Paris le 17 Juin 1819"; l.r.: "... Prefet. et par ordre ... [illegible signature] / A Monsieur Rohault Architecte de la Préfecture de Police" signed and dated - on DR1974:0002:037:001:042, by the correspondents, in pen and brown ink, u.c.: "Paris le 26, Juin 1820 / ...godde ... Rohault" dated - on DR1974:0002:037:001:043 R and DR1974:0002:037:001:044, by the correspondent, in pen and brown ink, t.: "avril 1823" inscribed - on DR1974:0002:037:001:002, by the correspondent, in pen and brown ink, c.r.: "Mr. Godde architecte, inspecteur en / Chef de la préfecture du Department. / Mr. Rohault architecte en chef / de la préfecture de police font conjointement / chargeé de fuirze [?] les ... du palais du Thermes." imprinted - on DR1974:0002:037:001:001 and DR1974:0002:037:001:002, letterhead, u.r.: "Préfecture du Départment de la Seine" inscribed - on DR1974:0002:037:001:003, by one of the correspondents, in pen and brown ink, t.: "Rapport / sur le Palais des Thermes" inscribed - on DR1974:0002:037:002, by a contemporary hand, in the plate below the image, b.: "Vue perspective de la Place Louis XV et des 4 Colonnades, dans l'une desquelles une Compagnie offre au Government de construire, à ses frais risques et périls, la Salle de l'Opéra / et les 3 autres Bâtiments correspondans sur les dessins du Sr. Poyet Architecte du Roi et de la Ville, â des conditions qui, loin d'être onéreuses au Roi, lui économisieraient au moins 12 Millions." inscribed and dated - on DR1974:0002:037:012, by an unknown hand, in graphite, l.l.: "H. Rohault"; and l.r.: "1821" dated, inscribed and numbered - on DR1974:0002:037:004 and DR1974:0002:037:005, by an unknown hand, in graphite, l.l.: "1821"; b. and verso, c.l.: "commande par Ch [?] le Cte de cases Ministre de l'intérieur"; and throughout: with letters identifying the components of the drawing inscribed - on DR 1974:0002:037:016, by an unknown hand, in graphite, b.: "programme / groupe principal Emphyihide [?] affir dans une coquille traineré [?] partir dauphine conduite / par deux naïades [?] ... groupe representant les principeaux fleushes [?] de ..."; and throughout: with a description of parts of the fountain inscribed - on DR1974:0002:037:029, by an unknown hand, in pen and black ink, u.l., c.l., c.r.: with a description of the brick construction inscribed and numbered - on DR1974:0002:037:007 - DR1974:0002:037:013, by an unknown hand, on the originals, throughout: with letters identifying features and buildings; b.: with an explanation of numbered buildings and features; and throughout: with street names inscribed and dated - on the album cover, by an unknown hand, in graphite, c.r.: "vu a [sic] 28 mars 1863" inscribed and dated - on the paper folder, by an unknown hand, in graphite, l.r.: "vu mars 1863"

  • architecture
  • urban planning
Subject Descriptive Terms:
  • fountains
  • sculpture
  • statues
  • obelisk
  • squares (open spaces)
  • colonnades
  • finial
  • equestrian statues
  • promenade (walkway)
  • acanthus
  • freestanding colonnades
Credit line:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

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