Montages of gelatin silver prints, a chromogenic colour print and typewritten text with colored pencil
Includes montages of gelatin silver prints, a chromogenic colour print and typewritten text with colored pencil, graphite and ink with white paint. An explanatory panel for the installation "Les maisons de la rue Sherbrooke" and "Les éléments de la rue", Corridart Exhibition, Montréal, 1976.
sheets (each montage): 20.3 x 52.6 cm composition (overall dimensions of DR1984:1558:001-002): 41.5 x 52.6 cm composition (overall dimensions of DR1984:1558:001-002 and DR1987:0334)): 62.6 x 52.8 cm tertiary support: 71.1 x 60.5 cm
- Layout panel comprising of two sheets of paper.
dated and signed - by the artist's hand, in graphite, c.r. and l.r.: "MC'76"
© Melvin Charney
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