D. Programmes and Publications, 1980-1982: 3. Skyline
Correspondence with contributors and readers
Newpaper clippings
Memos and letters from Suzanne Stevens
Transcript Peter Eisenman- Philip Johnson interview, 1/8/82
Documents relating to the dinner in honor of Ada Louis Huxtable, January 25 Atttorneys' advice on agreement with Rizzoli, Sept. 1, 1981
Letter of Agreement between IAUS and Suzanne Stevens, 8 June 1981
List of sponsors
Bills relating to dinner in honor of sponsors, October 1981
Press releases
Hand written notes from PDE on the content of Skyline
Folder Skyline - PDE's income tax documents - Folder SKYLINE: sealed enveloppe addressed to Suzanne Stevens; drafts of Peter Eisenman- Philip Johnson interview; draft of the agreement between IAUS and Suzanne Stevens; list of potential content and contributors for Skyline issues of September, October, November & December [1981]; 2 drafts of Jonathan Barnett : "The Avant-Garde Position".
Folder Skyline Letter/PDE - 29 April 1981: PDE's letters to Skyline sponsors
Various documents documenting the crisis of 1980, including : - Sponsors's letters; - Subscribers' complaints, - The Thomas Bender affair; - Proposed budgets for FY81; - Andrew MacNair's resignation as editor, - Correspondence with Rizzoli; - Documents relating to the distribution of Skyline, - Skyline development report.
Folder Skyline : - Document describing the objectives and situation of Skyline in early 1980 - Memo from PDE to the Trustees, 9 June - New editor search - Conditions from Andrew MacNair, Dec. 1979 - Expenditures - Several memos - Distribution reports - Austrian tour - p. 1, 2, 7, 8 of Skyline no 1, 1 April 1978 (mock-up)
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