Various documents relating to the exhibition catalogue, "John Hejduk, 7 Houses : January 22 to February 16, 1980" / introduction by Peter Eisenman. -- New York, N.Y. : Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, [1979]
Transcript of a conversation between John Hejduk and PDE; October13, 1977; "Nine Square House"
Hejduk; 17 December 1979 (essay: "In My Father's House Are Many Mansions") Photocopy : Eisenman's preface, Galley
Transcripts of a conversation between Wall and Hejduk : In perspective (no date) Typewritten manuscript : "The Destruction of the Box"
Class discussion at Cooper Union; February 11 1976 (Mr. Rosaro, PDE, Chris, Wilcox, Rick, Blitz
Brochure: John Hejduk: 3 + 1, 1976
1 exhibition catalogue: Projects/John Hejduk, architect: an exhibition at the Foundation Le Corbusier, Paris, October 1972
Folder Country: John Hejduk
Interview, John Hejduk - Reima Pietila, Finnish Architect, Helsinki
Interview, John Hejduk - Donald Wall, Professor; School of Architecture, New Jersey Institute of Technology & Nancy Ferrara, Experimental Psychologist Statement, John Hejduk Exhibition; January 22 - February 16 1980
Letter to PDE from Prof. P. Sanders, November 2 1979
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