Two letters to PDE from John Hejduk
Two letters to PDE from John Hejduk, 1) 9 March 1978 - Request for recommendation of Raimund Abraham 2) 5 September 1973 - Letter of protest to Architecture Plus concerning the MoMA LRHD exhibition
Two letters of complaint from PDE To Architectural Design, 18 January 1973, To the New York Times, 4 March 1974, with handwritten draft
Letter from MoMA inviting PDE to exhibit his works
Planning program for a hotel to be built in Jerusalem, 10 January 1974
Invitation to Stanley Tigerman's exhibition at PS1, February 1979 Folder : Press releases - Photocopies and newspaper clippings reviewing the MoMA LRHD exhibition
Four letters to PDE, 1977- 1978
Letter from PDE to Bill N. Lacy from National Endowment for the Arts describing IAUS educational goals, 28 June 1972
Draft of the Application to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation describing the Program in Generative Design
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