DDR [Miscellaneous, 1981]
Announcement from Rizzoli: publication of The Making of an Architect; Nov. 25, 1981.
Two b&w prints of Peter Eisenman
Program of the AIA National Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 17-21, 1981. Letter from Milan about the exhibition "Oggetto banale", 15 June 1981.
Bill of a carpet sent to P. Eisenman's home and paid by Jacquelin Robertson, March 11, 1981.
Letter from the Daily News answering a request for funding the retrospective of Raymond Hood's work, August 4, 1981.
Telephone bill of Peter Eisenman's home, 12-16 August 1981.
Three pages of information about Middle School.
Page 5 of an article by Joan Copjec.
Notes by P. Eisenman: "Colin when did you come"
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